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Trusted Freelancers

A list of people I’ve worked with and whose skills I would vouch for.

Architecture, Furniture, General Design: #

Olga Sobkiv — Skilled maker and architect with interests in structural tectonics, fabrication, and studio art.

Branding, User Experience, Web Design: #

Andriana Levytsky — Artist, illustrator and designer with a focus on print, interaction and visual identities.

Full Stack Programming: #

Eli Front - A technology savant who is capable of both hands on work and leading teams.

Marketing: #

Amber Handby - Specializes in marketing automation, email marketing, lead-generation, and onboarding.

Video Production, Writing: #

Sean Thiessen — Engaging storyteller that is versitile across mediums.

Here, I’ve only listed people with websites to pitch themselves. If you’re looking for a skill-set that isn’t listed above, send me a note; chances are I know someone in my network.